Friday, June 1, 2012

Controling Devices With JSON

RTS2 has an XMLRPC which also supports JSON. This make it very easy to poll and control devices external of the driver. Here is a simple example of controlling the Tban fan controller based on temperature difference between inside the dome and the outside ambient temperature.

from rts2json import jsonProxy, createJsonServer 
import socket
import xmlrpclib
import json
import httplib

#connect to server

#get temps from devices
externalTemp = jsonProxy().getValue('S0','TEMP_AMB')
internalTemp = jsonProxy().getValue('S2','DS1')

#calc the difference
diffTemp = internalTemp - externalTemp

#set the fan speed based on rules
if diffTemp < 0:

elif diffTemp > 7:

elif diffTemp > 4:

elif diffTemp > 0:

The rts2json is in the RTS2 repo. Simply connect via a JSON proxy and get and set values of devices. The script is set to a 15 minute cron and adjust fans speeds accordingly.

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