The automatic focusing was sort of a dud in that it didn't work to fit our needs. We have decided to roll our own in hopes of having a best fitting focus at any given time.
Things are finally moving forward and the light is at the end of the tunnel. This also means our issues list is a lot smaller.
- Add user friendly GUI to control primitive features of the system - Website in progress
- Nagios setup to point to new devices- BORAT online, other devices still need work - Later when stuff is working
- FWHM minima calculations - TESTING, thanks Wildo
- Focus Driver doesn't update status while focusing, always displays idle.
- Change dome status to more unique name for easy find in FITS header.- DONE
- Motion sensor wiring done, just need to connect each sensor via breadboard/connectors - In Progress
- Fan controller and Focuser in single box with single power supply - Done & Installed
- Boltwood sensor reporting clear skies as cloudy
- Extra PCIe serial card driver needs to be installed - DONE
- Fan need to be added to focuser/fan controller box - Ordered
- Motion detectors need to be wired in and fully tested
- Need some minor integration with IR+ZM+Lights work in combination
- Bluecherry Capture Card module causing kernel panics, need to grab new version and compile