- Focus driver needs a little tweaking and testing - DONE
- Add user friendly GUI to control primitive features of the system - Website in progress - PARTIALLY COMPLETE
- TESTING and LOADS of it
- Nagios setup to point to new devices- BORAT online, other devices still need work
- Udev rules added to BORAT - DONE
- Motion sensor wiring done, just need to connect each sensor via breadboard/connectors
- Weather sensor needs calibration
- New cable end for dome control cable - DONE
- Dome driver updated for new protocol - DONE
- Fan controller and Focuser in single box with single power supply - Waiting for shipment
- Cable rewire/Cable management, hellish mess right now - DONE
- ZM also needs to be finished setting up - DONE
- ZM notification needs to be solved - DONE
- Motion detectors need to be wired in and fully tested
- Need some minor integration with IR+ZM+Lights work in combination
- Motion detection system needs some arduino code - DONE